(405) 309-2043
Below is a list that has been written out for what you can expect when buying your new puppy from Okie-Doxieland Dachshunds. Also provided are answers to questions we are asked frequently. Additional information and requirements are covered in this section as well.
Kim will interview you via text message, video chat, or phone call about your home life and setup. You will be asked how many dogs you currently have and of your knowledge of the dachshund breed.
Full rights are not automatically given, it is at Okie-Doxieland Dachshund's discretion to discern your knowledge and review your breeding program (if applicable).
Once you commit to a puppy, a non-refundable deposit will be required and a contract will need to be signed.
Okie-Doxieland Dachshund puppies leave our care at 8 weeks old after they have received their full veterinarian exam.
For the safety of your new puppy, we ask that you limit the places they may go until they are fully vaccinated.
Once you have placed a deposit on the puppy you have chosen, Kim will be in contact with you on a weekly basis, sending pictures and videos.
Okie-Doxieland Dachshunds strongly discourages individuals from getting a puppy if they will be crated all day while you work. Dachshunds are very social and require your love and attention. Behavioral issues may develop if not properly stimulated.
All puppies leave our care with a puppy pack that is filled with various comfort items and a sample of kibble they are familiar with eating.
When it is time to pick up your puppy, the remainder of balance is due in cash at that time, unless explicitly stated beforehand.
Okie-Doxieland Dachshunds will help you locate a transport service, but it is your responsibility to cover addition costs of transportation. There are no free delivery services available to our knowledge. Dogs are not allowed to be shipped via cargo on airlines. They may fly cabin with a flight nanny or you for an additional fee.
Lastly, if we do not have the puppy you're looking for at this time, go and follow the Okie-Doxieland Dachshunds page back on Facebook for information about upcoming litters.
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